Sunday, May 8, 2011

Virtual Flowers for Mom

This is a love letter to my mom. This mothers day, as with most mother's days, I am away from home in another state. I don't get to participate in the mothers day dinner, or the presenting of flowers, or the opening of gifts. I call to say a hello and share an 'I love you', but on this day more than the rest I miss my mom. She may be the strongest woman I have ever known. Smart, compassionate, funny, and caring, I am pretty sure I lucked out in the mom department. 

She was stern growing up when I needed it, like in 9th grade when I decided it wasn't cool to turn in homework. She lent a calming and soothing ear when in college I would call her crying after pulling four all night-ers in a row, still fearing I wouldn't get my project perfect before the due date. She didn't freak out when I decided I was moving to Chicago with my boyfriend after graduation. She was full of support and was judgement free when I told her I was abandoning my college degree (the one that was full of nervous breakdowns and frantic phone calls) and going to pastry school. She is the one I can't wait to get home to, to sit down with and share a glass of wine, and tell about my crazy life. I am blessed that I actually want to hang out with my mom as an adult, and I only wish I was able to do that more often that I do now. 

If I was home right now, I would share some flowers, some hugs, and maybe some cupcakes with her. But, since I don't trust UPS with food, these virtual ones will have to do. So to all the moms out there who are as amazing as mine, these are for you. 

I love you mama. 


  1. And I love you too, my darling girl! (Do I have the best daughters or what?!)

  2. a lovely tribute, and what elegantly decorated cupcakes!

    i'm far from my gorgeous mum as well - she's in the US, i'm in Australia. there's nothing quite like celebrating with her, but letting her know i care is just as important.
