Tuesday, August 21, 2012


One more wedding cake under my belt, and just a few days to recover before I start working on the next one. This cake came with a few ups and downs, and many lessons learned. I realized as I was putting the fondant on the bottom tier of this cake, that this was in fact the largest fondant project I had taken on yet. I haven't covered anything larger than a ten inch cake before. A pyramid, yes, but something this huge? Nope, not even close. For some reason it hadn't occurred to me until just that moment.

There is no more hesitation these days when someone hires me to make a cake or dessert table, I say yes of course I can do that. Whether its for better or worse, I rarely consider if I have the necessary time and means to do said project, but deep down, I know that one way or another I will get it done, and I won't stop or finish it until it looks and tastes exactly how I wanted it. If that means ripping two pounds of fondant off of a 15-inch cake tier because it has one too many wrinkles and starting from scratch at 2 am, that's what I will do.

As much as it interferes with my sleep schedule, and the cleanliness of my kitchen at times, it's the attitude I need to have in this industry. Yep, I can do that! Sometimes, the google helps, and sometimes I just jump right in and figure it out for myself. So here's to diving into the deep end, and hoping you make it out alive, and with a beautiful, and even more importantly, delicious, cake in hand.


  1. I can't even believe how talented you are and that you're my sister! Seriously...move back to Mpls so that we can start a bakery together. You bake, and I'll market. We'll be unstoppable! :)

  2. This cake was everything I thought it would be....and so much more. The flavors were fabulous, the ruffles were gorgeous, and it really meant so much to me to have you do this for us. I will never forget the moment I saw it....it took my breath away!

  3. This is possibly the most beautiful cake I have ever seen! Well done. I just stumbled upon your blog and am so impressed by this cake and your photos. Sending you a cheery G'Day from Australia. Drop by at mamabearskitchen.blogspot.com sometime!

  4. thank you everyone!! I have a bunch of wedding cakes to post soon, so stay tuned!

  5. I love this cake, funny thing is, I saw it on another baker's Facebook page and decided to do a little image search because her quality of work varied from photo to photo. As a cake artist myself, nothing infuriates me more than someone taking credit for my work (and addin their watermark to it!) . Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=417948391669531&set=a.210962215701484.53137.210450142419358&type=1&theater

  6. Tutu, thank you so much for looking out for your fellow cake artists! This one was pretty bold with that watermark! Something I probably need to start doing myself actually. I have asked her to take it off her site, it is pretty obvious that there are a few cakes on her site that she didn't make. Thanks again
